Las Vegas New Homes vs Las Vegas Resale Homes
While searching for a Las Vegas home to buy there are many things to take into consideration. The question often arises: Do I buy a Las Vegas new home? or a Las Vegas resale home? There are advantages to both, but ultimately when making the final decision it should be your needs, not the age of the structure, that should be the deciding factor.
The Value of a Las Vegas New Home
“I want to be the first to live in this house. I want it to be mine,” is a statement we often hear from clients who prefer new houses rather than older houses. The fresh new feel, to some, provides a certain level of comfort that makes a new house feel like home. Here is a list of some of the advantages of owning a new Las Vegas house.
- Home Builder one year Warranty
- Manufacturer’s Warranties on major appliances and systems
- More efficient windows, heating and cooling systems, and insulation
- More safety features and fewer hazards due to today’s strict laws and building codes
- New materials and appliances for less maintenance
- Aluminum siding, vinyl windows, and improved stucco exteriors also require less maintenance
- Home Builders incentives such as closing costs and additional upgrades
- Personalized design and details such as floor plans and paint colors
- Pre-wired security systems, entertainment systems and other digital hookups for modern day convenience
- Home owners associations
The Value of a Las Vegas “Resale” Home
Just like time the traditional style and features of the older Las Vegas homes have passed. The more traditional style of these houses provides a certain type of character that many enjoy. In Las Vegas there are many resale homes to choose from. Here is a list of advantages of a “resale” house.
- Larger lots
- Typically in a more central and convenient location to the city’s down town area
- Compared to a new home you will get more for your money
- Upgraded features, such as landscaping, crown molding, built-in’s, and etc. often come in these resale’s
- Opportunities to expand and remodel to your specification
- Home Owners are not usually required to pay SID’s and LID’s (special improvement and land improvement districts)
- More traditional layouts
- More negotiating room when it comes to purchase price
- No home owners associations
The growth in the Las Vegas Valley over the recent years has provided an abundance of new and resale homes. Both of which, have its very distinct and different advantages to choose from. It is important to know what your families needs are. With this in mind, you are sure to find a home that will make you very happy. Discuss with your Las Vegas Realtor® the advantages and disadvantages of owning a new or used home. If you would like to discuss these advantages or disadvantages further contact us.
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